The Symposium will focus on educational technology and resources for Biology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Genetics, Functional Genomics, etc. Our goal is to provide a forum for researchers, educators, and students to meet, discuss and exchange ideas. Topics include:
- Educational Animation and Simulation
- Cold Spring Harbor's Dolan DNA Learning Center
- R and Bioconductor in the Classroom
- Science and Technology Education as part of DOE's mission
- Educational technology in Distance Education
Confirmed Speakers
- Cheryl Kerfeld (DOE Joint Genome Institute, Director of Education Dept.)
- Bruce Nash (Dolan DNA Learning Center, Assistant Director for Science)
- Vincent Carey (Harvard Medical School, Associate Professor of
Medicine and Biostatistics)
- Malcolm Campbell (Davidson College, Director of James G. Martin Genomics Program)
- Tom Miller (North Carolina State University, Vice-Provost of DELTA)
Program [ Proceedings Booklet]
9:00 - 9:05: Introductory Remarks and Welcome
9:05-9:50: Teaching the analysis of genome-scale data using R and Bioconductor: Software, documents, and experiments [Slides]
Vincent J. Carey,
Harvard Medical School / Brigham and Women's Hospital
9:50-10:20: Bioinformatics in Motion: Animations for teaching Bioinformatics [Animations ] [Slides]
Leif Saul, Ph.D.
University of Colorado
Steffen Heber, Ph.D.
North Carolina State University
10:20-10:45: Cofee Break
10:45-11:30: CSHL: Tools to Teach Biology in the Genome Age [Slides]
Bruce Nash
Dolan DNA Learning Center
11:30-2:00: Lunch and Poster Session
2:00-2:45: The Joint Genome Institute's Microbial Genome Annotation Program for Undergraduates [Slides]
Cheryl A. Kerfeld,
M.A., Ph.D.
DOE Joint Genome Institute
2:45-3:00: Cofee Break
3:00-3:45: The Full Spectrum of Online Tools: From Synthetic Biology Research to Introductory Biology [Slides]
A. Malcolm Campbell, Ph.D.
Davidson College
3:45-4:15: NCSU DELTA: Educational Technology in Distance Education [Slides]
Tom Miller,
North Carolina State University
4:15-4:20: Concluding Remarks
4:20-5:00: Social and Open Discussion
Call for Posters
Participants are invited to submit posters describing recent projects involving Teaching and Education in the Life Sciences. Accepted posters will be presented during a poster session, and poster abstracts (submit here) will be published in the symposium proceedings. Presenters will receive an honorarium of $100 dollars to offset expenses. |