This page provides links to download full datasets by source institution. More selective subsets of the data can be obtained using the table view of the data.

Excel Files

Download Unified Excel spreadsheet with data from all labs.

TSV Files

The following file contains all available data in "tall" format. Each row represents a single substance, ion species, and data source (Baker, McLean, etc.).

Download All CCS data in Tall TSV format

The following file contains averages across sources of the "All CCS data in Tall TSV Format" file. It has one row per substance and ion species.

Download Average CCS data in Tall TSV format

The following file contains the average CCS values for each source in a "wide" format. The file has one row for each substance, and columns for CCS values from each source institution and ion species. This is the file used to present the data on the web site's view page.

Download Average CCS data in Wide TSV Format

Agilent Format CSV Files

These files have one row per ion species.

Download Agilent Reference data in Agilent format
Download Baker Lab CCS data in Agilent format
Download McLean CCS data in Agilent format
Download Rusyn CCS data in Agilent format
Download CCS data (average across all sources) in Agilent format