Zhao-Bang Zeng
William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor
Bioinformatics Research Center
Department of Horticultural Sciences
szeng AT ncsu.edu
My research interest is generally in the area of theoretical
and statistical quantitative genetics. This includes research on developing
theoretical models and statistical methods to map quantitative trait loci (QTL)
and to estimate basic genetic parameters of quantitative trait variation, such
as number, genomic positions, effects, interaction, and pleiotropy of genes
responsible for the variation. Currently, this research is mostly concentrated
on developing statistical methods for analyzing genetic architecture of
quantitative traits as a whole using multiple interval mapping approach.
Research topics include efficient and robust model selection, analysis for
complex epistasis, multiple trait analysis, complex QTL by environment
interaction analysis, mixed and mixture models, general plant breeding
population QTL analysis, full-sib family analysis, linkage disequilibrium
mapping. We also develop software (QTL Cartographer)
for QTL mapping data analysis. The long-term goal of the research is to develop
quantitative genetic theories and statistical methods for characterizing and
analyzing variation of quantitative traits and to learn genetic and
evolutionary bases of the variation within and between natural and experimental
Publications in Google Scholars
- Basten,
C., B.S. Weir and Z.-B. Zeng (1995-2006) QTL Cartographer.
Department of Statistics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
- Wang,
S., C. Basten and Z.-B. Zeng (2001-2012) WINDOWS QTL
Cartographer. Department of Statistics, North Carolina State
University, Raleigh, NC
- Zou, W., D.L. Aylor and Z.-B. Zeng (2006) eQTL Viewer.
Bioinformatics Research Center, North Carolina State
University, Raleigh, NC
Teaching in Fall 2017: HS/GN 757