The exact way to run the programs is slightly different under UNIX, Macintosh and Windows. When specific commands are presented, they will be shown as typed on a UNIX workstation. For example, if the current working directory has the and mletest.cro files in it, then you could run Qstats in a terminal shell as follows:
% Qstats -A -V -X mletestThere are a few things to note:
Now we can contrast this with Windows and Macintosh. Macintosh programs are started by
double clicking on their icons. The Windows programs can be run
in a command window in a fashion similar to a UNIX shell, or by double clicking
a program icon similar to the Macintosh system. Consider first the command line
invocation. If you open a command window, you can type in QTL Cartographer commands just as
you would in UNIX. The command window is not case sensitive, so qstats will
work as well as Qstats. The command line options are case sensitive.
Also, the actual programs have .exe extensions:
These do not have to be typed. If the PATH variable has the QTLCartWinbin
directory in it, then you can use the programs in any working directory and the
resource file will reside there rather than where the binaries are. Suppose
and mletest.cro are in a directory c:
Then you might run Qstats as follows
c:> cd qtlcart\test c:\QTLCartWin\test > qstats -A -V -X mletestThe command line options are still case sensitive.
You can also double click on program icons in the file manager (Windows) or Finder (Macintosh). If in Windows, you will not be able to enter any command line options. The Macintosh versions will present a dialog box similar to Figure 5.1. You can enter command line parameters into the Argument: box and then click on the OK button to run the program. Do not click on the input/output redirection buttons. When double clicking on icons in either Windows or Macintosh, you will need to specify a working directory because the qtlcart.rc file will reside in the same place as the binaries.