This program is to accompany Zaykin DV, Zhivotovsky LA. (2005) Ranks of genuine associations in whole-genome scans. Genetics 171: 813--823. ( The main C++ code file is zzranks.cpp. A compiled version for MS Windows is zzranks.exe. For the correlated p-values case, the correlation parameters are hard-coded. The resulting correlation decay is as given in CorrPlot.jpg To compile the program using the GNU C++ compiler: g++ zzranks.cpp -o zzranks.exe chahyp.cpp dcdflib.cpp -O3 -s To run under the bash shell (e.g. under Linux) ./zzranks.exe 50000 10.5 1 10000 5e-06 1 1 $RANDOM > ranks1.txt $RANDOM here and below supposed to convert to an integer: replace $RANDOM with an integer if the shell doesn't recognize it. E.g. under the MS Windows "Command Prompt" shell the command may look like: zzranks.exe 50000 10.5 1 10000 5e-06 1 1 12345 > ranks1.txt The order and the meaning of the parameters in the command line above is given at the top of main() in zzranks.cpp. To examine the ranks there needs to be R installed on your system. To get the number of most significant markers needed to find at least one of the m specified TAs with 95% probability, enter the R commands as > r <- array(scan("ranks1.txt")) > quantile(r, 0.95) If you'd like to change correlation parameters, zzranks.cpp, you'd need to tweak d,m,s after the "NOTE" comment in that file. To help choosing these, I provide "corr.cpp" which is just a stripped-down version of the program: it outputs p-values instead of the ranks. Then R can be used to look at the correlation decay as described below. See "NOTE" in corr.cpp on how to control the correlation decay change parameters to your liking, compile to corr.exe, run corr.exe, then examine the correlation in R: g++ corr.cpp -o corr.exe chahyp.cpp dcdflib.cpp -O3 -s ./corr.exe 200000 $RANDOM > pv.txt R R commands: > p <- array(scan("pv.txt")) > a <- acf(p, lag.max=50, plot=F); plot(a[1:length(a$lag)]) If you changed d,m,s values in corr.cpp above, then put the same values into zzranks.cpp, then recompile: g++ zzranks.cpp -o zzranks.exe chahyp.cpp dcdflib.cpp -O3 -s Now run the program again: ./zzranks.exe 50000 10.5 1 10000 5e-06 1 1 $RANDOM > ranks1.txt Use R to get the number of most significant markers needed to find at least one of the m specified TAs with 95% probability: R > r <- array(scan("ranks1.txt")) > quantile(r, 0.95)