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Different parameters for the -M option allow for the analysis of the data
assuming different models. Models 1
3 were described in Zeng (1993, 1994).
- Fit all the background markers. This was meant for illustration of the method in
the original paper (Zeng, 1993), and should not be used for analysis.
- Fit all unlinked background markers. This is another illustrative example and also
should not be used.
- Fit only the mean (Lander and Botstein (1989) method)
- Fit a subset of the other markers, namely those unlinked markers with the
highest correlation with the trait on each chromosome. This is an ad hoc model
programmed in anticipation of model 6 below.
- This model uses a pair of markers from each other chromosome and all linked
markers that fall
outside a window around the flanking markers. This window extends to 10 cM
beyond the
markers immediately flanking the test position. The window size can be changed with
the -w option. This is another ad hoc model
programmed in anticipation of model 6 below.
- This model uses a specified number of markers that fall
outside a window around the flanking markers. This window extends to 10 cM
beyond the
markers immediately flanking the test position. The number of markers are
set by the -n option. You need to run SRmapqtl
to rank the markers before using model 6. You should use this for composite
interval mapping when using markers ranked by SRmapqtl.
- This model requires that you have already run Zmapqtl and Eqtl. It reads in
the estimated QTL from the Eqtl.out file and uses them as virtual markers to control for
the genetic background. All identified markers are used that do not fall within the
window. This has not been extensively tested: Use it at your own risk.
- Like model 7, this requires a prior run of Zmapqtl and Eqtl. Instead of using
virtual markers, Zmapqtl uses the closest flanking markers to identified QTL.
Again, all of these markers outside the window are used. This is good model.
You can iterate this process to see if a stable set of cofactors can be identified.
See the script below and the man page for more details.
The default is to fit only the mean, that is to use interval mapping.
Previous: EXAMPLES
Christopher Basten