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Bug Reports

Send any bug reports to There is certain information that will greatly aid in diagnosing the problem. The QTL Cartographer distribution should come with a file called problems.txt with the following questions in it:

  1. Computing platform
    1. What machine are you using? Is it a
      1. UNIX based workstation?
      2. PC running Windows?
      3. PowerPC based Macintosh?
    2. What operating system is it running?
    3. What is the version of the Operating system?
    4. How much memory and free hard disk space do you have?

  2. Programs
    1. Which program is giving you trouble, and what parameter values were used?
    2. Are the input files simulated or real?
    3. Would it be possible to send me the input files, the log file and the resource file (qtlcart.rc)?
    4. When the program crashed, did it give any diagnostics?
    5. When did you download the programs?
    6. What is the version number? (This is valid for programs downloaded after 1 January 1996, and supersedes the previous question.)

When reporting a problem, try to include the answers to all of the questions above. Some of them may not be relevant for you particular case and can be ignored. Email is generally the best way to report problems as the messages stay on a queue until they are dealt with.

One of the most difficult steps in using the QTL Cartographer system is to reformat datasets. Question 2(c) above asks whether you would be willing to send us your data in order to diagnose a problem. We would like to emphasize that if you send us your data files, they will be kept in the strictest confidence and deleted upon your request. If you have published data sets and would like to make them available for the scientific community, we would be happy to put them on our ftp server.

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Christopher Basten 2002-03-27