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QTLs block

After the -start token, there should be the token qtls and a number to indicate the number of traits to be modelled. For example, -start qtls 3 means that there will be QTLs for 3 traits. After this there should be a repeating sequence of a trait name, number of loci for that trait, then the chromosome, position, additive and dominance effects for each locus. This example has the loci followed by their positions in centiMorgans (from the telomere). Please give all traits unique names.

Here is an example of the repeating sequence:

Trait_Name   #loci
 chrom pos   a     d
 chrom pos   a     d
   .    .    .     .
   .    .    .     .
   .    .    .     .
 chrom pos   a     d
Trait_Name   #loci
 chrom pos   a     d
 chrom pos   a     d
   .    .    .     .
   .    .    .     .
   .    .    .     .
 chrom pos   a     d
Our specific example was
-start qtls 3
Trait_1 4
    1   9.1  0.75  0.0
    1  89.1  0.5   0.0
    3  68.4  0.22  0.0
    4  43.2  0.95  0.0
Trait_2 2
    2  93.4  0.42  0.0
    4  33.2  0.90  0.0
Trait_3 1
    1  33.4  0.84  0.2
-stop qtls

Now, consider the block

Trait_1 4
    1   9.1  0.75  0.0
    1  89.1  0.5   0.0
    3  68.4  0.22  0.0
    4  43.2  0.95  0.0
and think of them as being numbered consecutively:
Trait_1 4
1.    1   9.1  0.75  0.0
2.    1  89.1  0.5   0.0
3.    3  68.4  0.22  0.0
4.    4  43.2  0.95  0.0
and for the second trait, the numbering starts from 1 again:
Trait_2 2
1.    2  93.4  0.42  0.0
2.    4  33.2  0.90  0.0
These numberings will be used to define the interactions.

Christopher Basten 2002-03-27