You can start a Command Prompt and from there ftp files to your home account. You will need the IP number or hostname and domain name to do this. Simply start up the Command Prompt, type in the drive from which you want to transfer files, and cd to the directory where the files are. Then, ftp to your home machine and put the files there. Use quit to kill ftp and exit to get back to Windows. Here is an example.
c:\> k: k:\> cd module5 k:\module5> ftp ftp> prompt ftp> mput * ftp> quit k:\module5> exit
In the above example, the k: drive is the users home directory at North Carolina State University. If you are not at NCSU, then you may or may not have the k: drive.
The Windows version of the distribution will be unpacked into a subdirectory called QTLCartWin containing subdirectories bin, doc and example. The bin folder contains the programs and the example files are in the example subdirectory.
As mentioned above, each program will update the qtlcart.rc file.
You can rename this file for later use if you want to work with different data
sets. We suggest that you create a working directory to hold all your data, and
that specific data files have their own subdirectories of this working directory.
For this tutorial, create a directory qwork within the QTLCartWin
directory. Create subsubdirectories in the qwork directory called sim, mletest, realdat and
sample. When doing the example using the mletest data, set the
working directory to ..qwork
mletest using the menu the first program that
you run and make sure that you have made copies of the mletest data files
in the mletest subdirectory.