Zmapqtl uses composite interval mapping to map quantitative trait loci to
a map of molecular markers. It requires a molecular map that could be a random one produced by
Rmap, or a real one in the same format as the output of
Rmap. The sample could be a randomly generated one from
Rcross or a real one in the same format as the output of
Rcross. In addition, the program requires the results of the stepwise linear regression
analysis of SRmapqtl for composite interval mapping.
See QTLcart(1) for more information on the global options
-h for help, -A for automatic, -V for non-Verbose
-W path for a working directory, -R file to specify a resource
file, -e to specify the log file, -s to specify a seed for the
random number generator and -X stem to specify a filename stem.
The options below are specific to this program.
If you use this program without specifying any options, then you will
get into a menu that allows you to set them interactively.
This requires a filename for output. Zmapqtl will append the file if
it exists, and create a new file if it does not. If not used, then Zmapqtl will use
Zmapqtl requires a genetic linkage map. This option requires
the name of a file containing the map. It should be in the same format
that Rmap outputs. The default file is
Use this to specify which trait Zmapqtl
will analyze. If this number is greater than
the number of traits, then all traits will be analyzed. The default is
to analyze trait 1 only.
Allows the user to specify the name of the file containing results from
LRmapqtl. Zmapqtl reads those results and uses the information to
choose cofactors for some of the analysis methods.
Allows the user to specify the name of the file containing results from
SRmapqtl. Zmapqtl reads the results and uses the information to choose
cofactors for composite interval mapping model 6.
Zmapqtl walks along the chromosome at a rate that can be specified with this
option. The default is to do an analysis
every 2 centiMorgans along the chromosome.
Use this to indicate how many background parameters Zmapqtl
uses in composite interval mapping.
This is used only with model 6, and gives an upper bound. If fewer than
this number of markers are ranked in the SRmapqtl.out file, then
less than the specified number of markers will be used.
blocks out a region of this many centiMorgans on either side of the markers flanking the test
position when picking background markers. It is 10 by default and is only used in
models 5 and 6. We refer to it as the window size.
Zmapqtl can do a permutation test to determine the threshold for rejecting the
null hypothesis of no QTL at a site. By default, this option sets the
number of permutations equal to 0, which means no permutation test is
run. You can set it to a number < 10000 to do the test. See Churchill and
Doerge (1994) for more details. The results are in an interim file. Use
Eqtl to summarize them when enough repetitions have been done. You need to run
Zmapqtl without permutations or bootstraps at least once before you can do the
permutation tests. This option only allows for interval mapping (Model 3) or
composite interval mapping (Model 6).
When used with argument 1, Zmapqtl will do a single bootstrap. You need to run
Prune to actually create the bootstrapped data set: This option merely
analyzes it and stores summary statistics in an interim file
qtlcart.z3b by default, for model 3. You should also run
Zmapqtl without bootstraps or
permutation tests before doing a bootstrap analysis.
When used with an argument 2, Zmapqtl will do a jackknife analysis. Again,
Zmapqtl should be run without this argument prior to doing a jackknife.
The input format of the molecular map should be the same as that of the output
format from the program
Rmap. The input format of the individual data should be the same as the output format
of the program
Calculates the likelihood ratio test statistics of the dataset in corn.cro
using the map in Model 6 is used for analysis and a permutation test
with 500 replications is performed. The program is nice'd as a courtesy to other
users, and run in the background so that the user can logout and relax.
Different parameters for the -M option allow for the analysis of the data
assuming different models. Models 1-3 were described in Zeng (1993, 1994).
Fit all the background markers. This was meant for illustration of the method in
the original paper (Zeng, 1993), and should not be used for analysis.
Fit all unlinked background markers. This is another illustrative example and also
should not be used.
Fit only the mean (Lander and Botstein (1989) method)
Fit a subset of the other markers, namely those unlinked markers with the
highest correlation with the trait on each chromosome. This is an ad hoc model
programmed in anticipation of model 6 below.
This model uses a pair of markers from each other chromosome and all linked
markers that fall
outside a window around the flanking markers. This window extends to 10 cM
beyond the
markers immediately flanking the test position. The window size can be changed with
the -w option. This is another ad hoc model
programmed in anticipation of model 6 below.
This model uses a specified number of markers that fall
outside a window around the flanking markers. This window extends to 10 cM
beyond the
markers immediately flanking the test position. The number of markers are
set by the -n option. You need to run SRmapqtl
to rank the markers before using model 6. You should use this for composite
interval mapping when using markers ranked by SRmapqtl.
This model requires that you have already run Zmapqtl and Eqtl. It reads in
the estimated QTL from the Eqtl.out file and uses them as virtual markers to control for
the genetic background. All identified markers are used that do not fall within the
window. This has not been extensively tested: Use it at your own risk.
Like model 7, this requires a prior run of Zmapqtl and Eqtl. Instead of using
virtual markers, Zmapqtl uses the closest flanking markers to identified QTL.
Again, all of these markers outside the window are used. This is good model.
You can iterate this process to see if a stable set of cofactors can be identified.
See the script below and the man page for more details.
The default is to fit only the mean, that is to use interval mapping.
Churchill and Doerge (1994) describe a method to calculate the threshold
values for quantitative trait mapping that we have implemented in this
program. Basically, it does a permutation of the trait values and the
genotypes and redoes the analysis. Over the number of replicates, two
types of thresholds are defined: ``experimentwise'' and ``comparisonwise''.
We calculate the experimentwise thresholds, but only give p values
for the comparisonwise values to save on storage space. The p values
give the proportion of permuted replicates that have loglikelihood
ratios larger than the observed ratios.
If you choose to do permutation tests, you need to run Zmapqtl
with the model of choice prior to doing the permutation test. Also, if
the program terminates prematurely, you can restart it from where it left
off to complete the permutation test.
Churchill, G. A. and R. W. Doerge (1994) Empirical threshold values for
quantitative trait mapping. Genetics138, 963-971.
Lander, E. S. and D. Botstein (1989) Mapping Mendelian factors underlying
quantitative traits using RFLP linkage maps. Genetics121, 185-199.
Zeng, Zhao-Bang (1993) Theoretical basis for separation of multiple linked gene
effects in mapping quantitative trait loci.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA90, 10972-10976.
Zeng, Zhao-Bang (1994) Precision mapping of quantitative trait loci.
Genetics136, 1457-1468.
Model 7 has not been extensively tested. Remember that you will need to run
Zmapqtl with some other model (say 3 or 6) and then run Eqtl prior to using
model 7.
Model 8 requires a prior run of Zmapqtl and Eqtl as well. There is a shell script
called Model8.csh in the scripts subdirectory that allows you to easily iterate using
model 8. Try using it to see whether your set of cofactors (or estimated QTL) becomes
stable after a few iterations. A low threshold may lead to adding and dropping putative
QTL over consecutive analyses using Model 8. Here is the shell script:
# Run Model 8 iteration
# Copyright 2001 Christopher J. Basten
# Usage:
# Model8 bindir stem siglevel iterations max_nbp
# bindir is the binary subdirectory
# stem is the filename stem
# siglevel is the significance level to declare a QTL
# iterations is the number of iterations
# max_nbp is the maximal number of background parameters.
if ( $1 == '-h' ) then
echo " Usage: Model8.csh bindir stem siglevel iterations max_nbp"
echo "Where"
echo " bindir = QTL Cart. binary directory"
echo " stem = filename stem"
echo " siglevel = Significance level to declare a QTL"
echo " iterations = number of iterations"
echo " max_nbp = maximal number of background parameters"
echo " "
echo "Now exiting"
set bindir=$1
set stem=$2
set siglevel=$3
set iterations=$4
set maxnbp=$5
$bindir/Qstats -X $stem -A -V
$bindir/Zmapqtl -A -V -M 3
$bindir/Eqtl -A -V -S $siglevel
# Save the original files
/usr/bin/mv $stem.eqt $stem.eqt.0
/usr/bin/mv $stem.z $stem.z.0
/usr/bin/cp $ $
# Use model 8 iteratively with cofactors from previous run.
set i=1
while ( $i < $iterations )
echo "Doing iteration $i"
$bindir/Zmapqtl -A -V -M 8 -n $maxnbp
/usr/bin/rm $
$bindir/Eqtl -A -V -S $siglevel
/usr/bin/cp $ $$i
/usr/bin/mv $stem.eqt $stem.eqt.$i
/usr/bin/mv $stem.z $stem.z.$i
@ i++
/usr/bin/rm $
echo "Finished"
The above script has been translated into Perl to make it more useful. The script can take command line parameters and is self-documenting.
It is likely that we will abandon the internal permutation tests in Zmapqtl. It is
more efficient to use Prune and a batch file to do the same job. This paradigm will
allow users to do permutation tests with any of the programs. Of course, you will
need access to a UNIX platform to do this.
Christopher J. Basten, B. S. Weir and Z.-B. Zeng
Bioinformatics Research Center, North Carolina State University
1523 Partners II Building/840 Main Campus Drive
Raleigh, NC 27695-7566 USA
Phone: (919)515-1934