iterates using Zmapqtl and Eqtl to determine a stable set of
cofactors for composite interval mapping. First, interval mapping is run and the
nearest markers to significant peaks are identified. These markers are used as
cofactors in the first iteration of composite interval mapping. A new set of
cofactors are identified by proximity to the likelihood peaks and the process is
Will assume that the QTL Cartographer programs are in /home/basten/bin.
It will use a significance threshold of 13.0 and allow for up to 25 markers in
composite interval mapping. It will iterate 15 times in an attempt to find a stable
set of cofactors. This script uses another script called which compares
the set of cofactors (in SRmapqtl.out format) between consecutive runs and reports
how many cofactors have been added or deleted.
Christopher J. Basten, B. S. Weir and Z.-B. Zeng
Department of Statistics, North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7566, USA
Phone: (919)515-1934