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chris@node0:~$ squeue JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 1825584 all ssub.DLI namin R 1:48:57 1 node2 1825579 all 14Rhynch bwiegman R 2:06:46 1 node2 1825577 all 12Mayeti bwiegman R 2:06:55 1 node2 1825516 all analyzer bwiegman R 3:19:45 1 node13 1825510 all 05PhyTre bwiegman R 4:03:21 1 node2 1825509 all 03PhyTre bwiegman R 4:04:09 1 node2 1825503 all pb_mpi_r hlee12 R 4:23:27 1 node2 1823974 all runSimul rmathur2 R 1-20:42:23 1 node1 1823070 all blast_un drotroff R 7-23:01:02 1 node17 1818104 all EM2.bam. qhu R 19-02:32:35 1 node15 1818103 all EM1.bam. qhu R 19-02:32:39 1 node15 1818095 all CM1.bam. qhu R 19-02:44:01 1 node12 1823980 gpu javier bgbobay R 1-08:43:15 1 node91