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Cluster Purpose

The cluster provides compute resources for members of the BRC and their collaborators. It also supports the BCSC (Bioinformatics Consulting and Service Core) within the BRC, and the GSL (Genomic Sciences Laboratory).

Through the BCSC non-BRC researchers may purchase compute time on the cluster.

We try to run the cluster with as few restrictions as possible (e.g. there are no time limits on jobs, no limit on the proportion of the cluster you can use at one time, or on the amount of memory you use on a node). This has generally worked well, perhaps because we have a relatively small number of users. It hopefully means that you can do what you need to get done, but you should keep in mind that the cluster is a shared resource. Please see the etiquette page for some guidelines.

cluster_purpose.1611264876.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/21 16:34 by root