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nomenclature [2014/04/24 10:52]
nomenclature [2020/02/20 11:44] (current)
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 The cluster is also known as "The Captain". Meaning Captain James Tiberius Kirk (even though Jean-Luc Picard is way better). The cluster is also known as "The Captain". Meaning Captain James Tiberius Kirk (even though Jean-Luc Picard is way better).
-{{:jtk.jpg?200|}}+{{ :jtk.jpg?200|}} 
 +We also have machines named MisterScott, Geordi LaForge, DoctorMcCoy, and Lt. Uhura, DataLore, CounselorTroi, LieutenantIlia, Chief O'Brien, Gowron, Kehleyr, Worf, Kahless. 
 +{{:dr-mccoy.jpg?200| }} 
 +{{:misterscott.jpg?200| }} 
 +{{ :uhura.jpg?200|}} 
 +{{ :locutus.jpg?300 |}}
-We also have machines named MisterScott, DoctorMcCoy, and will have Lt. Uhura soon. 
nomenclature.1398351163.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/04/24 10:52 by root